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Unlimited basic classified ads free of charge
(including 3 photos and an 800-word text)
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Present your ad in any number of regions and languages, worldwide, in the currency of your

Wide array of low-cost promotional options:

- Bold format
- Colour ads
- Link to your own Website
- Several language options
- Random appearance of your ad "Featured" on the home page
- Random appearance of your ad “Featured” in the category listhead

Personal space and management tools ideally suited to your ads:

- “Filled/Sold" stamp
- Conceal your ad, when necessary
- Revise the title, text or price, when necessary
- Replace photos, when necessary
- "Inform your friend(s)" feature

Over 500 categories and sub-categories available for storing and retrieving your ads.

Powerful, advanced search engine, user-friendly browsing experience, no pop-up ads.

Obtain responses to your ad without revealing your email address. No more SPAM!

Confidentiality agreement and fully secure data transmission for maximum protection of your
personal information.

Maintain your anonymity by concealing names, addresses and telephone numbers.

Plus additional services to be introduced within the next few months.

At last, a respected business that values its clients and whose primary goal is to consistently provide Much More!

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